
A New Adventure Begins!

Well, the time has finally come for us to be there and we are so excited to begin this new adventure with you all. Krystal and I have been praying for you and I know you have been in prayer for us. This Sunday we will be kicking off our series called “Forward.” We will be looking at what God has to say about us moving forward toward Him and away from the things that the enemy wants to use to distract us. This will be a great opportunity to invite someone who has given up on God or doesn’t know Him, so I pray we will all “invest and invite” the people around us.

The days ahead are going to be incredible as Vaughn Forest Church takes new risks and lives by faith for God like never before. Over the past six years I have been blessed by God to be the Lead Pastor of a church that we started that now has four campuses and is one of the fastest growing churches in Mississippi. It has been an amazing ride seeing God work in amazing ways.

Over these last years of ministry, we have learned that when the people of Jesus are committed to the Gospel in every aspect of their lives over anything else, amazing things happen. We have learned when people choose the purpose of Christ over their own preferences, God awakens a movement of life change through His Church. This is my desire as I begin leading there, to be a church that chooses the Gospel of Jesus above all else and is willing to lay aside our preferences for His purpose. My prayer for myself and for each of us is that we will have the same heart as Jesus for others. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” -Luke 19:10                                                     

Pastor Eric