
Bylaw Changes

Article IV. Government - Leadership Teams


It is agreed that the intention of this body is to discover and follow the will of Christ, its head, in making decisions and taking action. To this end, the government of VFC is entrusted to the body of believers who are its members. All internal teams and leadership positions are created and empowered by the church. This church is a local, autonomous entity and is not subject to the control of any other ecclesiastical body. It is, however, an active, cooperating part of the Montgomery Baptist Association, the Alabama State Board of Missions, and the Southern Baptist Convention for the purpose of sharing the Gospel with the whole world.

To enable this body to govern itself in a way that honors Christ, several leadership teams are developed from the congregation. These Congregation Leadership Teams (CLTs) are duly constituted under Article VI but are introduced here as the CLTs play a role in the membership and leadership of the body. The CLTs include the Governance Board (GB), Deacon Service Team (DST), Trustee Board (TB), Stewardship Team (ST), Nominating Team (NT), and Personnel Team (PT). Other congregational ministry teams shall be formed as the staff or GB deem necessary. The GB serves several functions, such as providing spiritual leadership and accountability for the Lead Pastor and the church and annually evaluating the Lead Pastor’s performance, reviewing the effectiveness of the church, and assisting the Lead Pastor in ministry evaluations. The DST assists the Lead Pastor in ministry to individuals and family groups. The TB’s role is primarily to make and execute all contracts, deeds, bonds, notes, negotiable instruments, mortgages, trusts, and all other instruments of indebtedness or conveyance of the incorporated church. The ST, NT, and PT perform duties as their title suggests. All these teams come from those who are members of the church as described in Article VII.


It is agreed that the intention of this body is to discover and follow the will of Christ, its head, in making decisions and taking action. To this end, the government of VFC is entrusted to the body of believers who are its members. All internal teams and leadership positions are created and empowered by the church. This church is a local, autonomous entity and is not subject to the control of any other ecclesiastical body. It is, however, an active, cooperating part of the Montgomery Baptist Association, the Alabama State Board of Missions, and the Southern Baptist Convention for the purpose of sharing the Gospel with the whole world.

To enable this body to govern itself in a way that honors Christ, several leadership teams are developed from the congregation. These Congregation Leadership Teams (CLTs) are duly constituted under Article VI but are introduced here as the CLTs play a role in the membership and leadership of the body. The CLTs include the Governance Board (GB), Deacon Service Team (DST), Trustee Board (TB), Stewardship Team (ST), Nominating Team (NT), and Personnel Team (PT). [Remove Nominating Team (NT), and Personnel Team (PT).] Other congregational ministry teams shall be formed as the staff or GB deem necessary. The GB serves several functions, such as providing spiritual leadership and accountability for the Lead Pastor and the church and annually evaluating the Lead Pastor’s performance, reviewing the effectiveness of the church, and assisting the Lead Pastor in ministry evaluations. The DST assists the Lead Pastor in ministry to individuals and family groups. The TB’s role is primarily to make and execute all contracts, deeds, bonds, notes, negotiable instruments, mortgages, trusts, and all other instruments of indebtedness or conveyance of the incorporated church. The ST, [Removed NT, and PT] perform duties as their title suggests. All these teams come from those who are members of the church as described in Article VII.

Article IV. Government - Pastor Vacancy


Vacancy: When a Lead Pastor vacancy occurs, the GB, in coordination with the staff, is required to provide for the preaching, pastoral, and administrative needs of the church. During a Lead Pastor vacancy, the GB has the authority to:

1. Delegate responsibilities among staff members as well as contracting with a Transition Pastor. The Transition Pastor cannot be a candidate for the Lead Pastor position. The Transition Pastor reports to the Chairman of the GB;
2. Hire and terminate church employees in the absence of a Lead Pastor; and
3. Facilitate the process for hiring a Lead Pastor.

Proposed: Vacancy: When a Lead Pastor vacancy occurs, the GB, in coordination with the staff, is required to provide for the preaching, pastoral, and administrative needs of the church. During a Lead Pastor vacancy, the GB has the authority to: 1. Delegate responsibilities among staff members as well as contracting with a Transition Pastor [change term to Interim Pastor.] The Transition Pastor cannot be a candidate for the Lead Pastor Position. [change term to Interim Pastor; change sentence to “The Interim Pastor can be considered for the Lead Pastor position by recommendation from the Search Team to the Governance Board and the corresponding approval from the Governance Board.”] The Transition Pastor [changed term to Interim Pastor] reports to the Chairman of the GB; 2. Hire and terminate church employees in the absence of a Lead Pastor; and 3. Facilitate the process for hiring a Lead Pastor.

Article IV. Government - Lead Pastor Selection


Selection: A Lead Pastor shall be chosen and called whenever a vacancy occurs. A Lead Pastor Selection Team shall be formed by the church within sixty days of vacancy. A Lead Pastor Selection Team member shall be a church member in good standing, nominated by the congregation, reviewed and selected by the GB, and affirmed by the congregation. The team shall consist of seven to nine voting church members; at least two members of the Selection Team shall be selected from the members of the GB. A two-thirds recommendation from the Selection Team is necessary to present the Lead Pastor to the GB, and with their approval, to the congregation for affirmation.


Selection: A Lead Pastor shall be chosen and called whenever a vacancy occurs. A Lead Pastor Selection Team shall be formed by the church within sixty days of vacancy. A Lead Pastor Selection Team member shall be a church member in good standing, nominated by the congregation, reviewed and selected by the GB, and affirmed by the congregation. The team shall consist of seven to nine voting church members; at least two members of the Selection Team shall be selected from the members of the GB; [add “and one of the members can be one of the current pastors who serve in a supervisor role with the approval of the governance board.”]  A two-thirds recommendation from the Selection Team is necessary to present the Lead Pastor to the GB, and with their approval, to the congregation for affirmation.

Article IV. Government - Pastoral Staff


Selection: When the need for a new staff position is identified by the Lead Pastor, the ST confirms that monetary resources are available. The GB approves the new staff position, the church membership is notified, and the Lead Pastor or his designate forms a search team consisting of themselves and members of both the DST and GB. This team will be responsible to review all candidates and, by consensus, authorize the extension of an offer of employment to the candidate that best meets the needs of VFC.


Selection: When the need for a new staff position is identified by the Lead Pastor, the ST confirms that monetary resources are available. The GB approves the new staff position, the church membership is notified, [change to “When the need for a new staff position is identified by the Lead Pastor, the ST confirms that monetary resources are available and the GB approves the new staff position.”] and the Lead Pastor or his designate forms a search team consisting of themselves and members of both the DST and GB. This team will be responsible to review all candidates and, by consensus, authorize the extension of an offer of employment to the candidate that best meets the needs of VFC. [change to “The Lead Pastor may designate a search team if he so chooses to assist in reviewing all candidates before a final decision is made. Ultimately, the hiring of pastoral staff lies at the discretion of the LP with input from the GB.”]

Article VI. Congregational - Governance board


1. Governance Board (GB)

General: The GB is composed of five to nine male members selected from the DST (or previous GB member). DST members selected for the GB will no longer serve on the DST. The GB Chairman shall be elected annually by the GB.

Role: Specific responsibilities are detailed in the GB Policy. The general responsibilities of the GB are the following:

  1. Provide spiritual leadership and accountability for the Lead Pastor and the church;
  2. Encourage and support the Lead Pastor;
  3. Provide accountability for the Lead Pastor and annually evaluate the Lead Pastor’s performance;
  4. Regularly review the effectiveness and direction of the church;
  5. Assist the Lead Pastor in recommending objectives and goals to the church;
  6. Assist the Lead Pastor in evaluating achievements in terms of objectives and goals;
  7. Promote the unity and biblical doctrinal purity of the church;
  8. Join the active Deacons in administration of the ordinances;
  9. Support the DST and the church according to their gifts and calling; and
  10. Elect a GB Chairman annually.

GB meetings will be held once a month. Special meetings may be called by the Lead Pastor or by the GB Chairman. Meeting notice (one week) and purpose must be provided to all active GB members. If a church member has a question, comment, or a concern, that member may address it to the GB at a regular or specially called GB meeting by coordinating with the GB Chairman one week in advance.

Decisions by the GB shall be reached after prayerful consideration and be made by consensus of the active GB members. All decisions of the GB shall be kept in the minutes of the team meetings and will be available to the church body on request.

Eligibility: Open only to current and former Deacons of Vaughn Forest and former GB members. Members must be a voting member in good standing at VFC, be committed spiritually, physically, and financially to the church, and have signed the VF Leadership Covenant.

Selection: GB member selections shall be made by the current GB members and DST Lead. GB member selections are presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the term of the open position. The new member will be affirmed at the next AGM. If the remainder of the term is less than two years the requirement to take a year off until serving again is waived.

Term of Service: Individual GB members serve on three-year staggered rotations. A former GB member may return to the team after taking one year off. Members may serve unlimited three-year rotations. The Lead Pastor shall have automatic tenure on the GB. Newly affirmed GB members begin meeting with the GB, as non-voting members, until January when the three-year term begins.

Removal: A GB member may be removed from office for failure to follow the VF Leadership Covenant by a majority vote of the GB.


1. Governance Board (GB)

General: The GB is composed of five to nine male members selected from the DST (or previous GB member). [change to “The GB is composed of five to nine male members. The Lead Pastor as previously defined in Article V, Section One is one of these members. The LP may choose at his discretion and with the approval of the GB to add a male member from the pastoral staff to the GB if necessary.”] DST members selected for the GB will no longer serve on the DST. [remove this previous sentence] The GB Chairman shall be elected annually by the GB.

Role: Specific responsibilities are detailed in the GB Policy. The general responsibilities of the GB are the following:

  1. Provide spiritual leadership and accountability for the Lead Pastor and the church;
  2. Encourage and support the Lead Pastor;
  3. Provide accountability for the Lead Pastor and annually evaluate the Lead Pastor’s performance;
  4. Regularly review the effectiveness and direction of the church;
  5. Assist the Lead Pastor in recommending objectives and goals to the church;
  6. Assist the Lead Pastor in evaluating achievements in terms of objectives and goals;
  7. Promote the unity and biblical doctrinal purity of the church;
  8. Join the active Deacons in administration of the ordinances;
  9. Support the DST and the church according to their gifts and calling; and
  10. Elect a GB Chairman annually.

GB meetings will be held once a month. Special meetings may be called by the Lead Pastor or by the GB Chairman. Meeting notice (one week) and purpose must be provided to all active GB members. If a church member has a question, comment, or a concern, that member may address it to the GB at a regular or specially called GB meeting by coordinating with the GB Chairman one week in advance.

Decisions by the GB shall be reached after prayerful consideration and be made by consensus of the active GB members. All decisions of the GB shall be kept in the minutes of the team meetings and will be available to the church body on request.

Eligiblity: Open only to current and former Deacons of Vaughn Forest and former GB members. Members must be a voting member in good standing at VFC, be committed spiritually, physically, and financially to the church, and have signed the VF Leadership Covenant. [change to “Open to any male member of Vaughn Forest, who is in good standing at VFC, being committed spiritually, physically, and financially to the church, and having signed the VF Leadership Covenant.”]

Selection: GB member selections shall be made by the current GB members and DST Lead. [change this from DST Lead to Lead Pastor] GB member selections are presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the term of the open position. The new member will be affirmed at the next AGM. If the remainder of the term is less than two years the requirement to take a year off until serving again is waived.

Term of Service: Individual GB members serve on three-year staggered rotations. A former GB member may return to the team after taking one year off. Members may serve unlimited three-year rotations. The Lead Pastor shall have automatic tenure on the GB. Newly affirmed GB members begin meeting with the GB, as non voting members, until January when the three-year term begins. [change to “Individual GB members serve on one-year terms that may or may not be renewed annually. This decision will be reached annually between the Lead Pastor and the individual GB member together. There is no limit to the amount of consecutive one-year teams an individual GB member may serve. Newly affirmed GB members begin meeting with the GB in January of each year.”]

Removal: A GB member may be removed from office for failure to follow the VF Leadership Covenant by a majority vote of the GB.

Article VI. Congregational - Deacon service team


Selection: DST candidates will be nominated by the church membership to the NT. The NT screens DST nominees for eligibility and willingness to serve, and selects the number needed to take back to the church membership. The candidates are then presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. An ordination service will be held within sixty days after the Annual General Meeting to ordain first term DST members. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the position until one can be appropriately selected and affirmed at the next AGM.


Selection: DST candidates will be nominated by the church membership to the NT [change to “to the pastors and staff.”] The NT [change to “the pastors and staff”] screens DST nominees for eligibility and willingness to serve, and selects the number needed to take back to the church membership. The candidates are then presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. An ordination service will be held within sixty days after the Annual General Meeting to ordain first term DST members. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the position until one can be appropriately selected and affirmed at the next AGM.

Article VI. Congregational - Stewardship team


Selection: ST candidates will be nominated by the church membership to the NT. The NT screens ST nominees for eligibility and willingness to serve, and selects the number needed to take back to the church membership. The candidates are then presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the position until one can be appropriately selected and affirmed at the next AGM.

Term of Service: Individual ST members serve on three-year staggered rotations. Newly affirmed ST members begin meeting with the ST, as non voting members, until January when the three-year term begins. A former ST member may return to the team after taking one year off. Members may serve unlimited three-year rotations.


Selection: ST candidates will be nominated by the church membership to the NT [change to “the pastors and staff”]. The NT [change to “pastors and staff’] screens ST nominees for eligibility and willingness to serve, and selects the number needed to take back to the church membership. The candidates are then presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the position until one can be appropriately selected and affirmed at the next AGM.

Term of Service: Individual ST members serve on three-year staggered rotations. Newly affirmed ST members begin meeting with the ST, as non voting members, until January when the three-year term begins. A former ST member may return to the team after taking one year off. Members may serve unlimited three-year rotations. [change to “Individual ST members serve on one-year terms that may or may not be renewed annually. This decision will be reached annually between the Lead Pastor and/or his designate, and the individual ST member together. There is no limit to the amount of consecutive one-year terms an individual ST member may serve. New affirmed ST members meeting with the ST in January of each year.”]


Article VI. Congregational - Nominating Team


General: The Nominating Team (NT) is composed of no less than seven members, including the Lead Pastor (Chairman) and at least one GB member. The NT collects, screens, and recommends church members to fill VFC positions such as DST, TB, ST, and PT.

Role: The NT provides oversight for selection of key VFC leadership. Transparency is maintained by oversight of their work by the GB. Specific responsibilities are detailed in the NT Policy.

Eligibility: Each team member must be a voting member in good standing at VFC, be committed spiritually, physically, and financially to the church, and have signed the VF Leadership Covenant.

Selection: NT candidates will be nominated by the church membership to the NT. The GB screens NT nominees for eligibility and willingness to serve, and selects the number needed to take back to the church membership. The candidates are then presented to the church for affirmation at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy, the GB may select a replacement member to fill the position until one can be appropriately selected and affirmed at the next AGM.

Term of Service: Individual NT members serve on three-year staggered rotations. Newly affirmed NT members begin meeting with the NT, as non voting members, until January when the three-year term begins. A former NT member may return to the team after taking one year off. Members may serve unlimited three-year rotations.

Removal: A NT member may be removed from office for failure to follow the VF Leadership Covenant by consensus of the GB.


*** remove this section. NT no longer exists***


Article X. Meetings


  1. . There shall be such annual business meetings as may be required by the church, and they shall be as follows:
    1. An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in October of each year, with the purpose of approving the new fiscal year budget, new Congregational Leadership Team members and other matters as determined by the Lead Pastor. There will be written three week notice given for the Annual General Meeting. Notice shall be sufficient if published in the Sunday bulletin, posted on the church website and broadcast through church-wide email for the required period; and
    2. Special business meetings may be called by the Lead Pastor, GB or TB. The call for such meetings must be announced two weeks in advance. Notice shall be sufficient if published in the Sunday bulletin, posted on the church website and broadcast through church-wide email for the required period.


  1. There shall be such annual business meetings as may be required by the church, and they shall be as follows:
    1. An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in October of each year, [change to “An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in December of each year”] with the purpose of approving the new fiscal year budget, new Congregational Leadership Team members and other matters as determined by the Lead Pastor. There will be written three week notice given for the Annual General Meeting. Notice shall be sufficient if published in the Sunday bulletin, posted on the church website and broadcast through church-wide email for the required period; and
    2. Special business meetings may be called by the Lead Pastor, GB or TB. The call for such meetings must be announced two weeks in advance. Notice shall be sufficient if published in the Sunday bulletin, posted on the church website and broadcast through church-wide email for the required period.

If you have any questions about the proposed changes to our bylaws, please email our Administration Pastor Hardy Sellers by clicking here.