Can you believe it’s 2017?

Can you believe that it is already 2017? Man, it seems like last year just flew by. 2016 was a year of incredible growth and moving of God but I fully believe the best is yet to come! I hope that you are looking forward to seeing all that God has in store for us this year and we have some great opportunities for you right around the corner!Sign-up for

Sign-up for Life Groups here at VFC is currently underway! There is no better way to get connected than a Life Group. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, simply click here or visit the table out on the Pathway in the lobby. We will also have a special Connection Party on Wednesday, January 11th, at 6:00 PM in the Warehouse for you to check out more info on Life Groups and various other opportunities for the upcoming winter semester here in the Forest. We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks all completely free for you and your whole family.

Are you interested in becoming a member at Vaughn Forest or maybe you just want to know more about VFC? Then join us for our Next Steps Class on Sunday, January 22nd, at 9:30 AM in the Next Steps Room out on the Pathway. It is so important for everyone to take their next step on their spiritual journey and we want to help however we can with that process.

Finally, if you are a volunteer or serve in any way here at Vaughn Forest I want to invite you to a special Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Sunday, January 29th, at 5:30 PM. Mark you calendars now for this event and be on the look out for more info soon! Again, I am so excited to see what God does in 2017! I love you all and I am so grateful to be your pastor. Live sent!

Again, I am so excited to see what God does in 2017! I love you all and I am so grateful to be your pastor.Live sent!

Live sent!