Sunday Schedule
9:30 — VF Kids Life Groups
11:00 – KidzForest
August 14–Back To School Party, 6 p.m.
August 21—VF Kids Midweek returns! 6:00-7:30pm weekly.
**Kids Summer Fun activities begin in June and last throughout the summer. These take the place of our Midweek activities, and are listed on the VF Kids Summer Schedule. Details for each event are emailed to all attending families closer to the date of each event, and are also posted on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
KidzForest Jr.
Children’s Worship & Bible Study is provided at 9:30 and 11:00 AM every Sunday morning for Children in 1st through 5th grade. KidzForest is a curriculum-based worship time that relates to topics and issues that children experience in today’s world. During KidzForest we use age-appropriate Christian songs, small-group activities, games, crafts, drama, small group discussion, and scripture memorization to reinforce our lesson or theme each week. KidzForest meets in The Clubhouse located on the second floor of the Children’s Wing.
Kids Midweek
We will kick off Kids Midweek on Wednesday, August 14th with a Back to School Party at 6:00 PM. Our regular Wednesday night schedule will return August 21st. On Wednesday nights at 6:00 – 7:30 PM we provide fun and exciting opportunities for children in grades 1-5. All children rotate between a fun and engaging video teaching time, missions, and recreation.