
Days of Prayer

This past Sunday was another incredible day in the Forest! As you may or may not know, we have been journeying together over the last couple of weeks looking at the book of Philippians with our “Choosing Joy” message series. God has really been challenging me as I look at my life and what the Bible has to say about always being joyful in every circumstance. I hope you have been challenged and encouraged as well! Make sure you are here this Sunday as we continue the journey at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in our Weekend Gatherings. Ladies, make sure you are signed up for our Women’s Weekend

Ladies, make sure you are signed up for our Women’s Weekend this Friday and Saturday, March 3rd-4th, here at VFC! We will have incredible worship, some great speakers, a craft time, and fun with your friends. For more info and to sign up click here.

I am also VERY excited about our upcoming Days of Prayer here at VFC! We know that prayer tunes our hearts to the heart of God and when we pray expectantly, God answers is a big way. I hope that each of you will sign up for a one-hour time slot to come up to the church and pray during the Days of Prayer. Simply click the link above to claim your spot and join us in prayer!

As always, I am so grateful for each of you! I can’t wait to see you this Sunday and as always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Live sent!

Live sent!