Easter Weekend was Amazing at Vaughn Forest!

This past Sunday was absolutely amazing! We saw God change so many lives through people who began a relationship with Jesus, others who recommitted their lives to Him, and those who indicated wanting to follow Jesus in baptism. We had such an exciting Sunday at both of our Easter services with a total of 1747 people who joined us on Easter Sunday. I cannot brag enough on all our amazing volunteers and the people who are part of our worship team. I believe God is already doing amazing things here at Vaughn Forest, but I believe the best is yet to come. We, as the people of God, must continue to keep His purpose as our focus over our preferences; and if we do, I believe we will continue to see God’s blessings on our church.

Starting this coming Sunday we will be kicking off a new teaching series called “Love, Sex, and Dating.” This will be an exciting series that will be a great time to invite your friends and family to be part of what God is doing here at Vaughn Forest. This first week is not as sensitive for children, but I will warn you that week two of this series on April 10th will be very sensitive, so you will want your children to be in our kid’s ministry during this series. I am so excited to see you all this Sunday.

Lastly, with the incredible growth in our kid’s ministry there is an opportunity for you to serve. We need about 30 volunteers who will be willing to serve one Sunday each quarter during the 10:30 am hour in our Kidz Forest worship gathering. This is so exciting to me, but I also understand the critical importance for these new families we are connecting with to have great ministry for their kids, so let David or Beth know by emailing them here.

Pastor Eric