This past Sunday I was blown away at how God worked again so powerfully in so many peoples lives. I am so grateful to the Lord for moving and working in our church. I am also so encouraged and challenged by all the amazing people who serve each weekend to make it happen as well as all those who give so generously. It’s crazy how God changes lives when His people offer themselves to Him through prayer, serving, and giving. I pray that these last four weeks will truly help each of us move “Forward” in our relationship with Jesus.
Starting this coming Sunday we will be kicking off a new teaching series called “Galatians.” We will be looking at a snapshot of the book. We will be spending one week in each of the six chapters. This book that God gives us in the New Testament is a powerful reminder of how we have been set free by the person and work of Jesus. I am praying God will help me connect with new people and reconnect me with old friends that I can invest in and invite to be part of Vaughn Forest.
Lastly, with the incredible growth in our kid’s ministry, there is an opportunity for you to serve. We need about 30 volunteers who will be willing to serve one Sunday each quarter during the 10:30am hour in our Kid’s Forest worship gathering. This is so exciting to me, but I also understand the critical importance for the new families we are connecting with to have a great ministry for their kids; therefore, please let David or Beth know you are willing to serve by emailing them here.
Pastor Eric