As many of you know, this past Sunday we transitioned to two services here in the Forest…and I am pumped about it! We are already seeing new families join us as we provide more options for more folks to join us on the weekend at our gatherings. Thank you for being will to be flexible as we transition to our new schedule!
With that said, let me encourage you again to “Serve One, Worship One” here in the Forest! With all of our new guests, we need folks that can help teach kids, lead student groups, and serve in many other areas around our church such as greeters, parking lot teams, hospitality, and more. It’s important that folks feel welcomed when they join us and that we make a great first impression! For more information on how to get plugged into serving, please stop by the Serve Table out on the Pathway in the lobby or visit us online at
Also, this past Sunday afternoon we had our Annual General Meeting. I appreciate the unanimous passing vote for all of our new lay leaders and budget for next year. We also had a chance to celebrate all that God has done this past year in the Forest…it is incredible to see what He is doing!
Remember, we have a ton of stuff coming up that you need to be in the loop on. The Elevate Project that begins soon, our Next Steps Class for new members and those who want to become members, the Forest Festival on October 31…make sure you are getting involved!
As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Live sent!