Ladies, are you signed up for the Women’s Weekend?

I sure hope you were here this past Sunday morning as 10 people came forward to celebrate new life in Jesus through baptism! Baptism never gets old to me! I love getting to see the symbolic action of people publicly acknowledging being raised to new life in Christ. If you are interested in baptism or just want to know more about what it means, email us by clicking here!

I am also PUMPED about all that God did through our Student Ministry D’Now Weekend! We had over 100 students and adult volunteers here all weekend, and from what I saw they were having a blast learning more about Jesus and the kind of life He wants us to have. Our Student Pastor, Kenny Miller, did a great job leading the weekend and I am so grateful for him, as well as all of our adult volunteers and students.

I am also PUMPED about all that God did through our Student Ministry D’Now Weekend! We had over 100 students and adult volunteers here all weekend, and from what I saw they were having a blast learning more about Jesus and the kind of life He wants us to have. Our Student Pastor, Kenny Miller, did a great job leading the weekend and I am so grateful for him, as well as all of our adult volunteers and students.Remember that our annual Wild Game Supper will be taking place this

Remember that our annual Wild Game Supper will be taking place this Thursday, February 23 at 6:00 PM, here at VFC! This year, we have a great speaker in Clay Dyer (a professional fisherman that has no arms or legs), AMAZING food, and great time with your buddies. You can purchase your tickets by emailing Todd Cornwall by clicking here. Also, if you are interested in donating deer meat, please email our Admin Pastor Hardy Sellers by clicking here. Ladies, make sure you are signed up for our Women’s Weekend on

Ladies, make sure you are signed up for our Women’s Weekend on March 3rd-4thhere at VFC. We will have incredible worship, some great speakers, a craft time, and fun with your friends. For more info, stop by our Info and Events table out on the Pathway in the lobby or click here to sign up.

God is doing incredible things through you! Make sure you join us this Sunday as we continue our “Choosing Joy” message series. We will kick things off at either 9:30 or 11:00 AM. Bring a friend!
As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Live sent!