Someone once said, “Love is blind but marriage is the eye-opener.” It’s a familiar story: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes…difficulty. Weddings are easy, but marriages are hard work. In this series we’ll learn how to go from fighting IN our marriage, to fighting FOR our marriage.
- Jim Botts, Lead Pastor
Starting Sunday, September 29 at 9:30 or 11 AM
- Week One: “What’s Marriage For?”
- Week Two: “Who is Mr.Right?”
- Week Three: “Who is Mrs.Right?”
- Week Four: “What About the ‘D’ Word?”
- Week Five: “How to Fix Your Spouse”
Our VF Students meet every Sunday morning on the third floor Student Room. Middle School students meet at 9:30 AM and High School students meet at 11 AM.
This is a unique opportunity to form lasting relationships with God and with fellow students, and leaders. Students also have the opportunity to find community in small groups! These groups, each led by an adult life group leader, will provide space for students to hear the gospel on their level, and dive deeper into the lesson taught that day.
We offer VF Kids during both services at 9:30 and 11 AM.
If it’s your first time with us, visit the first-time guest check-in area, where we will get some basic information from you. The next time you arrive, you can head to one of six kiosks to check your child in. A sticker will be printed after check-in to be placed on your child that matches to a slip that you will need to turn in to check out your child.
All volunteers who serve in preschool and children’s ministry undergo a background check to ensure the safety and well-being of your child.