Sign up for Life Groups Today!

Each week in the Forest keeps getting better and better! God is up to some incredible things right now and I am so excited to be on the front lines with you, the church, to see and participate in all that He is doing. Thank you for being so obedient to follow Jesus each day and choose His purpose over our preference!
This past Sunday was yet another example of seeing God move (and a rap to open the service, how often to you see something as awesome as that?!) We have had incredible numbers of new folks joining us each week…over 20 new families this past week alone! With that said, we need your help. We are asking all Vaughn Forest members and families to do two things for us:

  1. Please park in the East Parking Lot (the one to the left of the property when you turn in from Vaughn Road) or in the back parking lot behind the church to help make more room for guests and new families that might have preschoolers. These folks are our guests and we want to be the best hosts we can be, and that starts in the parking lot.
  2. Please move where you sit in the worship service to the East side of the auditorium (the one opposite the baptistry). We are noticing the West side is getting really full and we want to slide over to make more room for all of our guests.

Would you be willing to help us with these two things? I know they may infringe on our preference a little bit, but I think if we can make these small sacrifices it will go a long way towards being great hosts to all of our guests. Thank you in advance!

Also, remember that Life Group sign up is currently underway! Life Groups are one of the most important things we do in the Forest because we know that life is all about relationships. If you have questions about Life Groups, or would like to meet some of the different Life Group leaders, then I invite you to join us for Connection Point this Sunday at 9:15 AM out on the Pathway in the lobby. You will be able to get any info on Life Groups that you need and meet many of the leaders of Life Groups. The Life Group semester kicks off the week of August 14th.

Finally, please join us on Wednesday, August 10th, for a Church-wide cookout party! We will have hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and drinks for everyone…all free! This is simply a come and hang out event but we will also have opportunities for you to sign up for a Spiritual Life Study or get more info on all the many things going on in the Forest this Fall. Come party with us!

Pretty soon the leaves will turn colors and the weather will cool off. This has been an incredible Summer in the Forest and it isn’t even over yet. Please make sure you are plugging into all that God is doing here at Vaughn Forest Church. I love you all and I am so proud of how God is working through you. It is a joy to be your Pastor!