I am so excited about all that God is doing at Vaughn Forest Church! This past Sunday was an incredible time of worship as we continued in our “Why Are We Here?” message series and dove deeper into what it means to grow in Christ. If you were unable to join us for the service, or maybe you just want to watch it again, please click on the link below to view the message.
As you may or may not have heard, we also announced this past Sunday that Student Pastor Matt Laughter has recently resigned from Vaughn Forest to pursue God’s call on his life. While we are sad to see Matt leave us, we are excited for him and his family as they follow the journey that God has for them. Please join us onWednesday, May 18th, at 6 PM in the Warehouse as we have a goodbye celebration for Matt, Jess, and their children and let them know that we will be praying for them as they follow God’s leading.
With all that said, and in accordance with the bylaws, I have formed a search team for our next Student Pastor consisting of myself, Gary Harrison (from the Governance Board), and Gary Jones (from the Deacon Service Team.) I am excited to have these very capable men helping out as we find the man that God has for us to lead our Student Ministry here at Vaughn Forest as we continue to to grow and impact this world for Jesus.
As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Thank you for all that you are doing to make Jesus famous here in the River Region and around the world.
Live Sent!
-Pastor Eric