It is hard to believe that Summer is almost here! It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year and now schools are letting out, graduations are happening, vacations are right around the corner, and parents are counting down the days until the kids head back to class in the Fall. 🙂 The year is already flying by!
Even as we all make plans to take breathers this Summer and enjoy some of the downtimes, I want you to know that we are not letting off the gas of ministry here in the Forest! We have some incredible things planned for this Summer and I hope that you will get involved in what God is doing here at VFC over the next 3-4 months.
The first HUGE thing we have going on is our Saturate Prayer Initiative that kicks off THIS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 24th AND 27th! If you are not aware, Saturate is a focused prayer initiative designed to target 10 local neighborhoods to pray over and reach with the gospel. If you have done prayer walking before, this probably won’t be like anything you have previously experienced. If you are interested in being a part of Saturate, click the link here and sign up!
Right on the heels of school letting out we also have our Vacation Bible School 2017 coming up! I love VBS here in the Forest. It’s great to see so many of our kids and volunteers have a blast as they learn about the fierce love that Jesus has for them. VBS is open to all kids entering kindergarten through entering 6th grade and will take place on June 5th through June 9th, from 9:00 am until 12:15 PM each day. If you are interested in being a part of VBS 2017, please click here!
Finally, be on the lookout this Sunday for more info on what we are calling “Summer Serve”. I won’t give away any details now, but this will be something that everyone can be involved with and I certainly encourage you to do so. You will love it!
As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. God is doing incredible things through Vaughn Forest Church and I love you all! Live sent!