Just over five months ago our interim pastor, Jeff McFarland, called us to a period of prayer and fasting for the church during our search for a Lead Pastor. He called for everyone to find a day or part of a day to fast and pray. I appreciate Jeff’s leadership and want to report on God’s faithfulness. During this interim period, we have seen God meet all our needs: we have seen the momentum of our Sunday morning attendance swing to a point we are close to being where we were when Eric announced his departure; and we will be having an affirmation vote for our new Lead Pastor this Sunday. God is good!
While Jesus certainly calls us to fast and expects us to adhere to this spiritual discipline (Matthew 6:16), He also acknowledges that there are times not to fast (Matthew 9:14-15). In my personal life, God has called me to fast many different times, for many different reasons, in many different ways. I have fasted over job decisions, relationships, family, finances, and health just to name a few. Some of these have been for a period of time, from one day to fifteen; some have been for one time period and some have been ongoing for months; some have been more strict (water only) while some have been less strict (no sugar). All of these have been part of my spiritual life, part of the process of sanctification, part of my learning to trust God. I hope these past five months have helped you in your journey.
In regards to the fast Jeff called, I want to acknowledge that God is good, God answers prayer and God wants us to celebrate His faithfulness. To end this time of church-wide prayer and fasting, sometime in the next two weeks, have a time of prayer and feasting. It may be with your family, your small group or just a group of believers. Enjoy the food and the fellowship as we celebrate God’s faithfulness.
There will be many times in your journey where you will need to cry out to God in prayer and fasting. And there will be times when your church calls you to pray and fast as a congregation. Each time we do, it is another brick in our spiritual wall, where we can look back and celebrate God’s faithfulness.
-Hardy Sellers, Administrative Pastor