I don’t know about you, but I feel like every single week here in the Forest God just keeps doing bigger and better things! We have had incredible numbers of guests joining us at our weekend gatherings and getting plugged into Vaughn Forest Church. Thank you for being willing to live sent as we keep chasing the vision and mission that God has for us. I truly believe that the best is yet to come!
This past Sunday morning, we are continued our “Choosing Joy” message series. “Choosing Joy” is a study through the book of Philippians in the Bible and how we can have joy in the highs, lows, and everyday circumstances of life. We will continue this Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, so please come out and join us…in fact, bring a friend!
Remember, we have some really exciting events coming up here in the Forest! Students, make sure that you are signed up for our D’Now coming up THIS WEEKEND, February 17-19! This is going to be an awesome time of fun, worship, and teaching that you will not want to miss. Register here.
BIG DEAL HERE! Our annual Wild Game Supper will be taking place next Thursday, February 23 at 6:00 PM, here at VFC! This year, we have a great speaker in Clay Dyer, AMAZING food, and great time with your buddies. You can purchase your tickets at the table on the Pathway in the lobby this Sunday morning or by emailing Todd Cornwall by clicking here. Also, if you are interested in donating deer meat, please email our Admin Pastor Hardy Sellers by clicking here.
Ladies, make sure you are signed up for our Women’s Weekend on March 3rd-4thhere at VFC. We will have incredible worship, some great speakers, a craft time, and fun with your friends. For more info, stop by our Info and Events table out on the Pathway in the lobby.
God is doing incredible things through you! Thank you for being willing to be on mission for Jesus. As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Live sent!