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4200 People!!

4200 people. Let me say that again…4200 PEOPLE!

That’s how many folks we had come out to our Forest Festival this past week. Man! I can hardly believe it! I love it when God shows up in such an incredible way. The really cool thing is that over 20% of those who came to the party indicated that there was no church that they currently attend. That is such an exciting opportunity for us to connect with them and invite them to come and see what it is like to be connected to God and others. I am so grateful to all of you who served or simply came out to the party this past week. Without you, it wouldn’t happen and I want to celebrate you and say “thanks!”

Even with the Forest Festival just behind us, we are already looking forward to Christmas. I was talking with our Creative Pastor Chad Boak last week and I know that he and his team have HUGE plans in store for our Christmas in the Forest Party as well as all throughout the Christmas Season. Make sure that you come out and help out on Friday, December 1st, from 6-8 PM here at VFC as we throw the biggest and best Christmas Party in town! If you are interested in serving at the Christmas in the Forest Party, please click here and fill out the requested info.

I am also grateful for Kevin Phillips from For All Mankind filling in for me this past weekend teaching the message during our services. Kevin is an incredible man and great teacher. As we focused on missions this past Sunday, we had 14 folks sign up for Global Mission trips in 2018. That is incredible! Remember, if you are interested in learning more about Global Missions opportunities through the Forest then click here to email Norm Bell for more info.

Finally, remember that any Elevate Commitment cards are due back to VFC on Sunday, November 19th, or any time before. We also have our Elevate Commitment Dinner for anyone interested on Wednesday, November 15th. For more info on anything involving Elevate, email us by clicking here.

Again, let me tell you how proud I am of you all! God is doing things beyond our imagination and it is so cool to have a front row seat to it. Keep connecting, growing, serving, and sharing as we build lives that honor God!