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Vacation Bible School at Vaughn Forest

Vacation Bible School has finally arrived! It has been so much fun this week walking the halls of Vaughn Forest and seeing so many of your children attending and so many of you serving at VBS. We have had incredible numbers of folks come out this year. Beth and David are doing a fantastic job keeping it all going, and I am excited to see even more of you as the week continues!

We had another great weekend service in the Forest this past Sunday! I am really enjoying journeying with you through the book of James with our “Greater” message series. I hope you will join us again this Sunday and bring a friend as we continue to look at what God has to say to us through this incredible book of the Bible.

As you may or may not have heard by now, we announced this past Sunday that the Student Pastor Search Team has completed its task and we will have a new Student Pastor joining us later this month! Kenny Miller and his wife Emily are coming to help us lead our student ministry here at Vaughn Forest. Kenny has years of experience and I am so excited about what he will bring to the table. Please be praying for Kenny and Emily as they make the transition to Montgomery in the near future.

As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Keep chasing Jesus and stay in tune to what God is doing here in the Forest!

Live Sent!

-Pastor Eric