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Kidz Forest Overhaul

Vaughn Forest has recently started an overhauled version of KidzForest with a lot of great changes that kids are walking away from each Sunday excited about.

KidzForest is held during the main worship time at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mornings in the Club House area of the building. Kids in first through fifth grade attend each week.

Kids and dance and sing along to the music!
Kids dance and sing along to the music!

Recognizing that children have shorter attention spans Kidz Forest coordinator Jaime Mauney said, “We’ve created a new way to have a lot of their senses appealed to. Moving up, down, singing, dancing, skits, and crafts. Live skits every week with Anthony Miller and Danny Weston. Each week it’s to be continued…so you don’t want to miss a week.”

“Our new format allows kids to not have sit for a lengthy bit of time.” Anthony Miller who serves as one of the main actors each week added. “There are a couple of quick songs they dance too, then they transition to Danny and I coming on and being funny and silly. What we’re being funny and silly about, ties back into the lesson. Then there’s a game!”

Danny Weston (left) and Anthony Miller lead the skit time.
Danny Weston (left) and Anthony Miller lead the skit time.

Each week kids are chosen at random to come on the stage and compete in games. Children are encouraged to get loud and cheer them on. Each week kids can walk away with some cool prizes too.

“During the small group times, (the small group leaders) repeat the bible study and then give a chance for the kids to dialogue about it which helps with retention. Then we do a simple craft where the kids’ use their hands giving them a concrete way to remember the lesson.” Jaime said.

The past few weeks have seen an explosion of growth of kids in the kid’s ministry. This leads to the need for more adults to be involved, which is the “key for this to successfully grow” according to Anthony.

So what kind of adults are needed?

“We need people that can relate to children, willing to get down to their level and act like a kid. Be willing to be one with the kids!” replied Jaime. “We have these kids for one hour. The Lord has entrusted us to be able to pour into their lives for an hour, so let’s make the most of it. Taking adults who can share that vision, acting, motions, lead worship, run sound, ProPresenter, leading small groups of kids. There’s a place for all personality types to serve.”

To learn more about our Kidz Forest program and how you can get involved today, contact Kidz Forest Coordinator Jaime Mauney at or Children’s Minister David Henderson at

See more pictures taken in Kidz Forest on Sunday, August 21 in our Flickr Album –

Hear the full interview in the behind the scenes audio podcast – Behind The Scenes.