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Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Luke 4:14

 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding regions.

After praying and fasting for 40 days, Jesus returned to Galilee empowered to do all the Father had called Him to do. To accomplish the assignment God has for our lives, we also need the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us. God does not expect us to go through the challenges of life without it.

Prayer and fasting brings us to the place where we can “power up.” Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit is living with a comprehension of the God-given strength and authority in our lives to walk out His will. Through prayer and fasting, God can prepare us for what lies ahead. We might not know what obstacles we’re going to face, but we can know that God will be faithful to us. He will never leave us and He will empower us to meet whatever challenges life may bring.

Today as you worship God in prayer, let Him know that you refuse to go into the   future without His power and that you want all that He has for you.