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Thank you Vaughn Forest!

What an incredible Easter Weekend we had this past Saturday and Sunday here in the Forest! I am so grateful for how so many of you stepped up to serve our community at our Easter Party and on Easter Sunday. We had over 1800 guests join us last Saturday at our party and many of them returned Sunday morning to hear the greatest news ever told, that of Jesus and His resurrection from the grave! Speaking of

Speaking of Sunday morning, how incredible was that time of worship? I am so proud of our volunteer and staff teams for making Easter in the Forest such an amazing time. You were all so welcoming to our guests and did your best to make them feel at home here at VFC. Thank you for serving Jesus and making Him famous!

Remember, if you are married or ever want to be married, make sure that you are signed up for our Marriage Conference coming up on April 28th and 29th here at Vaughn Forest! Dr. Michael Smalley of the Smalley Marriage Institute will be joining us. You can find out more info and sign up by clicking here.

I am so excited for the future of Vaughn Forest Church! God is doing incredible things and we just have to keep our eyes focused on Him. Keep serving Jesus and keep living sent!