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Called to Work

Tonight at our dinner meeting time I had the opportunity to share our devotion. For those that know me well, you know that I truly know that I have been called to be behind the scenes. I love making videos, running tech crews, writing and managing web sites and social media…speaking isn’t something that comes naturally to me like it does for some. It was with reservations that I accepted Helen Taylor’s requests for me to lead this time.

I think one of the things that makes me so nervous is that I put such a high value on words, especially when speaking of God. It’s not something I take lightly and I approach that subject carefully. I confided with Helen that I had no clue what I was going to say. She said, “Do you pray.” I answered defensively “yes!”. She said, “Pray then. That will be enough.”

On the way back from the clinic I was praying and thinking about what she said and the ideas that had popped up immediately as she told me to pray. I reflected on this past week so far, the clinics, the prayer meeting downtown, the church service this morning and I started thinking of the story in Acts 13 of Barnabas and Saul being sent off by the church at Antioch. In verse 2 it specifically talks about the Holy Spirit saying “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

Mike Ray, our lead missionary here in Dnipropetrovsk and I talked earlier today and I remember him specifically saying, “Do you think I could pull these medical clinics off by myself and see the amount of people coming to Christ we are seeing today? There’s no way. My part is to organize and train others to do the work.”

DSC_03542-300x199Each one of the people on this mission trip to Ukraine were called by God to work for Him. There’s not one of us with the exact same skill set. An evangelists, a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacists, multiple translators, and more came together with the local people and missionaries here in Ukraine to tell people that God loves them and has a plan for their life.

It’s been awesome to watch something that you know only God could do.

Continue to pray for our team. We are just average people like you, but we are people that want and need God to work through them. Pray that we humbly get out of the way and let him to do the work that needs to be done and say the words that need to be said.