Day 13
I am The Holy Spirit, The Breath of God’s Nostrils
The foundations of the world were uncovered at Your rebuke, O LORD, at the
blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
Psalm 18:15
I am the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God’s Nostrils. When God breathes judgment, I execute His punishment. Sometimes in Scripture I judged directly, such as when He struck a person with leprosy (See Numbers 12:9-12), or I struck a person dead (See Acts 5:1-11). I am God’s direct instrument to carry out that punishment. Sometimes, I judged indirectly, such as when I shut up Heaven so that it did not rain. Sometimes I sent a plague of locusts, or used a storm or other natural means. I, the Holy Spirit, was God’s indirect instrument behind apparent natural disasters. I can work good in your life, directly or indirectly. Or, I can be the force of God’s punishment, directly or indirectly.
Your Prayer
Holy Spirit, if I’m doing anything that will lead to judgment, show me; I
will repent and change. Breathe good things upon me.
I am the Breath of God’s Nostrils. I control nature. Sometimes disasters come upon you, because of sin or disobedience. You may think you’re being punished for something you did, but look behind the event. What you think is punishment, may be My classroom to instruct you about My grace. Remember, all things—including loss—will work together for good to those who love Me (See Romans 8:28). Examine your loss to find what I am teaching you. Learn what I want you to know, then pray for My Breath of good things to blow upon you.
Your Response
Holy Spirit, let me feel Your breath of good things.
I don’t pray for harmful consequences, but help me learn
from them when they come. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 18:15-50
Key Thought: I am God’s breath that controls the circumstances of your life.