Day 18

I am The Holy Spirit, God’s Seed

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His (God’s) seed remains in him;

and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. 

1 John 3:9

I, the Holy Spirit, am the Seed who was planted in your life when you were born again. It was My presence that gave you eternal life, as well as a new nature and new desires. Just as a seed planted in the ground will grow and bring forth its fruit, so I, the Holy Spirit am the Seed planted in your heart who will bring forth the fruit of righteousness and godliness. A seed has all the ingredients of what it will be when fully grown, and I, the Holy Spirit, have everything you need to be completely godly and fully effective as My servant. 

Your Prayer

Holy Spirit, I know You were planted in my heart. Thank You for the

good things that have grown there. I praise You for new desires and new

character. Keep me growing to be like Christ.

I am the Seed planted in your heart; I cannot bring forth bad fruit. I cannot sin, nor can I tempt you to sin (See James 1:13). You were given a new nature, which is a divine creation; it cannot sin. Listen to the urges of your new nature, and follow it. Do not give into the desires of your old nature, because it’s the source of your temptation and problems. If you listen to the old nature, it will lead you astray. Listen to Me, the Holy Spirit, and I will grow good fruit in your heart.

Your Response

Holy Spirit, I want to be godly; grow the fruits of righteousness in my

heart. I reject temptation and the lust of the old nature. Amen.

Reading: 1 John 3:1-10

Key Thought: I am the Holy Spirit, the Seed who grows good things in you.