Day 20

I, The Holy Spirit, am The Anointing

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you,

and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches

you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has

taught you, you will abide in Him

1 John 2:27

I am the Holy Spirit, the Anointing, who comes to give you spiritual insight. When you don’t understand a Scripture, let Me anoint your spiritual eyes to see what the passage means. When you don’t know where to go, let Me anoint your understanding so that you can choose the right paths. When you can’t see Jesus working in your life, let Me anoint your spiritual perception. Remember Jesus promised that I, the Holy Spirit, would come to help believers glorify the Son (See John 16:14). Let Me, the Holy Spirit, magnify Jesus in your life today.

Your Prayer

Holy Spirit, I want to glorify Jesus. Come anoint me with Your presence

so that I can see the work of Jesus in my life and glorify Him with my

praise. I need Your anointing today.

I am the Holy Spirit, the Anointing, who comes to enlighten the Scriptures in your heart. But I don’t work in a vacuum; you must read and memorize the Bible. You must study the Bible, comparing Scripture to Scripture. You must use commentaries and dictionaries. You must give time meditating on the Word of God. Then you must ask for Me to come help you understand spiritual things. When you seek enlightenment from Me, the Holy Spirit, you are asking for My Anointing. I will come shine light on your darkened understanding.

Your Response

Holy Spirit, come shine Your light in my mind. Help me

see everything You want me to know, and then help me do all You want

me to accomplish. Come anoint me to know the Scripture. Amen.

Reading: 1 John 2:20-28

Key Thought: I, the Holy Spirit, will anoint you to understand the Bible.