
Day 23

I am The HOLY SPIRIT, THE Breath of God

As long as my breath is in me, and the breath of God in my nostrils.

Job 27:3

I am the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God. When the Father wants to give life to something, I, the Holy Spirit, breathe into it. I was the Breath that God blew into the nostrils of Adam, giving him life. I was the Breath of God that hovered over the waters when life was given to Creation (See Genesis 1:2). I, the Breath of God, blow like the wind over hills and oceans to give them life. I am the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God—the wind that blows where it wishes—to bring eternal life to those who believe in Jesus (See John 3:7, 8). Let Me breathe new life in you today. 

Your Prayer

Holy Spirit, I need new enthusiasm to worship and serve You. Breathe new

excitement and anticipation into me. Blow Your new life in me today.

I am the Holy Spirit, God’s Breath. Just as you must breathe air to exist, so you must have My Spirit to have eternal life. Breathe Me, the Holy Spirit, for illumination when you’re spiritually blind. Breathe Me, the Holy Spirit, for guidance when you don’t know what to do. Breathe Me, the Holy Spirit, for strength when you think you can’t go on. Breathe Me, the Holy Spirit, for encouragement when things fall apart. Let Me, the Holy Spirit, be the Air that breathes new life into you.

Your Response

Holy Spirit, I breathe You into my cluttered lungs.

Clean out my selfish ways, and make me holy. Get rid of junk in

my schedule, and make me spiritual. Holy Spirit, make me holy

and make me spiritual like You. Amen.

Reading: Job 27

Key Thought: I am the Holy Spirit who breathes new enthusiasm into you.