Day 7


And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me . . . . So they said,

“Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.

Nehemiah 2:18

I am the Holy Spirit, the Hand of God. Just as a person gives you a hand when you need help, so I, the Holy Spirit, can give you a helping hand. Let Me be the Hand of God that helps you today. I am nearby; all you need to do is ask for My help. But I, the Holy Spirit, can’t help you unless you want Me to; ask for Me, and allow Me to work in your life.

Your Prayer

Holy Spirit, I need Your hand in my life. I need Your

help today. Come help me now.

I, the Hand of God, work for you in two ways. First, the Holy Spirit works directly in your life. When you pray for money, for a solution, or for a healing, I, the Hand of God, may give it directly to you. But the Holy Spirit also works indirectly when people don’t realize He’s working. Did you notice in Nehemiah 2:18 that My hand was upon the work of building the wall in Jerusalem? I, the Holy Spirit, worked when the people “set their hands to do this good work.” God’s hands work through your hands. Look at your hands and consider what your hands can do for God today. Yield your hands so I can work through you this day.

Your Response

Holy Spirit, I yield my hands to You. I will work as hard as

I can to accomplish Your will. I will use all my intellect and energy to

complete all the jobs that I have to do today. Come use my

hands as Your hands. Amen.

Reading: Nehemiah 1-2

Key Thought: I, the Holy Spirit, can work directly or indirectly in your life.