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Elevate Kicks Off Sunday!

God is continuing to do amazing things here in the Forest! Every week I get more and more excited as we see new families join us and other guests return. Our missions reach continues to expand across the world as well as all kinds ministry happening here in the River Region. Our Sunday gatherings, which as you know recently expanded to two services, are dynamic times where folks can worship and learn more about Jesus every single week. God is working!

One of the things that I am the most excited about that we have beginning this Sunday is our Elevate message series that launches the Elevate Project. This 3 year project will stretch us and grow us in ways we cannot even yet imagine, but I know that it will further the vision and mission of Vaughn Forest exponentially. Make sure that you are praying, listening, and keeping in the loop on everything going on with Elevate.

With that said, if you are interested in making an early financial commitment to the Elevate Project, then let me invite you to one of several “Vision/Early Commitment Meals” that we are having on November 9th at 6:15 PM and November 10th at 11:30 AM and 6:15 PM. If you would like to be included in these meals and are willing to make an early financial commitment, please call the church office to RSVP at 334-279-5433.

Also, on November 1st we will begin 20 days of prayer and fasting as a church family. You can pick up your guide to this time of prayer and fasting at the Elevate Table out on the Pathway in the lobby. We will also be sending out daily devotionals to help guide you during this time as we chase after God’s vision for the Forest.

Remember to “Serve One, Worship One” here in the Forest! With all of our new guests we need folks that can help teach kids, lead student groups, and serve in many other areas around our church such as greeters, parking lot teams, hospitality, and more. It’s important that folks feel welcomed when they join us and that we make a great first impression! For more information on how to get plugged into serving, please stop by the Serve Table out on the Pathway in the lobby or visit us online at

One last thing…I am so excited for our upcoming Forest Festival next Monday night at 6:00 PM! Make sure to invite your friends and family to join us for all kinds of fun with inflatables, food, candy, a hay ride, games, and tons more. If you are interested in helping us throw the party, please email our Kids Ministry Staff by clicking here. You can also donate bags of individually wrapped candy by placing them in the red bins out on the Pathway this Wednesday and Sunday. I cannot wait to see you at the party!

As always, it is a joy to be your pastor. Live sent!