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VF Kids Father Daughter Dance

Vaughn Forest Church 8660 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL, United States

Calling all 3 to 11 year old girls and their Father/Father Figures  - Get ready for our Father Daughter Dance! VF Kids Ministry is so excited to be hosting our first Father Daughter Dance on March 28th! Join us for a fun evening packed full of dancing, fun and fellowship! We can't wait for you […]

Serve Day

Vaughn Forest Church 8660 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL, United States

🌟 SERVE DAY IS COMING! 🌟 Mark your calendars! Saturday, March 29th is Service Day at Vaughn Forest Church! 🛠️❤️ This is our chance to step out, love our community, and make a real impact. We’ll be meeting in groups at pre-scheduled locations to take on service projects and be the hands and feet of […]

Mission Trip to Ensenada, Mexico

Ensenada, Mexico Ensenada, Mexico

Join us June 1-6 as we travel to Ensenada, Mexico, to build a house and share the love of Jesus with locals. This mission trip is in partnership with YUGO Ministries and is an introduction-type mission. We will fly to San Diego and take a van to Ensenada. If you would like more information, you […]

Crossroads Summer Camp

Anderson University 316 Boulevard Anderson, SC 29621, Anderson, United States

Details CROSSROADS SUMMER CAMP Get ready for an awesome summer at Crossroads Summer Camp! Crossroad's mission is to reach students with the gospel, help them understand God's Word, and give them the tools to live it out daily. Crossroads Summer Camp is a week-long summer camp at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina. Crossroads Summer […]

Upper Elementary Summer Retreat

Shocco Springs 1314 Shocco Springs Road, Talladega

Details CentriKid Camp! VF KidsMin is hitting the road this summer! CentriKid is a high-energy, intentional, gospel-centered overnight camp. Their mission is to help kids experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ. This takes place through track times, rec, worship, Bible study, church group time, and a […]