One of the sweetest ladies I have ever met came with us to Ukraine. Her name is Helen Taylor and she is 83 years young. On more than one occasion, I remember thinking when I am her age, I hope I can be like Helen. A sentiment widely shared by my fellow travelers.
It’s not just her youthfulness, but it’s her experience, and her encouragement of others that draws people in. She possesses a wisdom and the fruits of a deep prayer life that are obvious as she chooses her words wisely. Her infectious smile brightens any room and melts down the largest barriers, something I witnessed first hand as she helped people to find the best reading glasses that would improve their vision.

Helen has been to Ukraine before serving in missions, so I asked her why come back to Ukraine? She answered, “This is where God has opened the door for me to serve right now. And I love the people.”
Helen’s no stranger to missions by any means. Her life has been dedicated to serving God, even serving with the International Mission Board (IMB) in Japan for many years.

“Obey God”, was the answer Helen gave when I asked her what could she tell someone that feels God is calling them to the mission field. “If God’s calling you into the mission field, he will bless your life. He will magnify what you do. My mission field started in Montgomery and it will end when I meet Jesus. As long as I live, I will be a missionary wherever I go.”
One of the best stories that we came away with from Ukraine was one that Helen shared in our nightly dinner and devotion time. She spoke of a fisherman, one which many of our team had seen come into the clinic that day. The story of her being a “Fisher of Men” was so awesome, I asked her to share it with you in her own words: