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Heading Home

The alarm rang at 4:00 am this morning after going to bed near 12:30 am. Yes, that is correct, 3 and half hours sleep. Everyone is up and busy getting ready to leave Dnipropetrovsk, our home for the past 7 days. It seems like only yesterday when we arrived here. We’ve experienced so much.

I had the opportunity to enjoy a walk around the city last night with a friend I met last summer in Montgomery, Andrey Konkov and his wife Kristy. Andrey serves with Campus Crusade for Christ here in Dnipropetrovsk with English language clubs and sports programs used to reach local college students for Christ.

Karl Marx's feet are all that left with a sign reading below that says, "I Love Ukraine".
Karl Marx’s feet are all that left with a sign reading below that says, “I Love Ukraine”.

We walked down the riverfront talking about my experiences here, climbed up the love lock bridge to an overlook over the city, then continued deeper into the city. We rode a streetcar from there to Marx square where his statue previously stood until recently when students toppled it leaving only it’s feet.

We walked through a mainly European area from there and headed into the local mall that easily compared to anything you have ever seen in the United States. From there we returned to my hotel where I was able to spend a few minutes learning more about their ministry and recording a message that I will share soon as I have the opportunity to edit it and upload it.

All in all, it was a fitting end to a wonderful stay here in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. I very much look forward to returning one day soon with my wife and children as I know they too would love being here.

Our flight leaves at 7:20 local time, that’s 11:20 central. We will leave as a full group on KLM flight 3130 to Kiev arriving around 8:15 am. From there I am heading to Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) to see what is happening after the recent protests. Reportedly there is a large prayer tent with Christians constantly in prayer for Ukraine at this time.

At 2:00 pm local time, I will leave Kiev headed to Amsterdam on KLM 1386. I’ll arrive in Amsterdam at 4:00 pm and quickly head to board Delta 9374 for Atlanta, departing at 5:00 pm local time and arriving around 8:20 pm eastern.

Here’s a picture of our final sunrise now as we board the van for the airport.photo2-300x225