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Less than 24 Hours!

I’m a self-admitted packing procrastinator which is strange for me. If you know me well, I’m not one to procrastinate much at all but I’m getting picked up at 12:30 Wednesday afternoon, so that means I have at least 12 hours from now before I start packing! To make you feel better, I did throw all my dirty clothes in the washing machine so they’ll be ready tomorrow.

24-hours-RecycledStarDustNow, I’ve double checked my equipment. All my batteries are charged, my memory cards are cleaned, my backup drive is ready too. I even was able to fit everything in my carry on bag.

I’ve been super blessed by some praying friends and family too. Sunday, our Vaughn Forest church family brought the mission team to the front of the Worship Center and held a time of prayer over us (watch that time by clicking here). One of the things Kevin Blackwell said during that time was “It’s been said that the true mark of a great church isn’t it’s seating capacity, but it’s sending capacity.” What a great word.

Today at work, my boss and co-workers surrounded me and had a time of prayer. Later that evening, my family gathered around my mom and me in a time of prayer.

You can never be prayed up enough, but it sure has been great to have a day like this before leaving to mentally prepare.

So now I’m physically and mentally ready. Now for packing that suitcase…