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Message: “God With Us – Week 4: Common Questions About Jesus” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “God With Us.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we wrap up our series, “God With Us.” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “God With Us – Week 4: Common Questions About Jesus” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 111: Fully Human, Fully Divine” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Have you ever tried to fill up a glass with too much water? Or maybe tried to put too much of something into a container? What happens? Every single time, it overflows, spills out. Typically, only so much of something can occupy a certain amount of space. We all know this.
And yet, the Bible tells us that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. What does that even mean? How can that be? Is it even possible for two different natures to exist in one person? If so, what does that mean for us?
The truth is that the full divinity and full humanity of Christ matter. Without both, it would be impossible for us as to relate to God and experience salvation. So how does the mystery of the incarnation work and what are the implications for our daily lives? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Wes for a conversation on the divinity and humanity of Christ as our “God With Us” series continues.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 111: Fully Human, Fully Divine” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “God With Us – Week 3: The Man Who Was God” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “God With Us.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series, “God With Us.” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “God With Us – Week 3: The Man Who Was God” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 110: The Incarnation Situation” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” What is your favorite Christmas song? All of us have one. Maybe it’s Oh Holy Night, or Joy to the World. For some, it doesn’t get any better than when Bing Crosby sings White Christmas. Or maybe you are like Pastor Jim and Pastor Chad and Little Drummer Boy feels like it is about you!
One of the most well known songs that is sung every year around Christmas is “Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel.” That name, “Emmanuel,” literally means “God With Us.” It also means that Christmas is a reminder that God put on flesh, stepped out of Heaven and into our dark and dying world, and became one of us. It’s a thought that almost seems too big to be true, and yet it is.
So what does the incarnation of God in human form mean for us? Obviously, that was part of the plan in order that humanity could be redeemed from sin and death, but are there implications beyond just salvation? Join Pastors Jim and Chad for a conversation on the incarnation of Jesus and what Almighty God putting on flesh in the form of a baby in Bethlehem means for us today.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 110: The Incarnation Situation” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “God With Us – Week 2: When God Became a Man” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “God With Us.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series, “God With Us.” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “God With Us – Week 2: When God Became a Man” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 109: The Wait Of Glory” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” So many people spend their lives waiting for one thing or the next. Maybe it’s a relationship, or a job, or just waiting to grow up or have your circumstances change. Often, it can feel like all we do is wait. Never is the wait more obvious or felt than at Christmas time. We wait to open our presents. We wait to see if loved ones will make it home for the big day. Some of us just wait in line so that we can finally get what we need to make the day perfect for those around us.
But what if God had a plan for you in the waiting? What if there is purpose in the seasons of waiting in our lives? Christmas reminds us that the world was waiting…waiting for Christ to come so that we could experience peace, joy, and love in our lives. Just like God showed up at Christmas as an answer to the waiting of the world, He can show up in your life today to help you grow in the waiting. Join the crew from the Other Six Podcast as Christmas begins and we talk about the seasons of waiting in our lives and how God wants to use those seasons to grow you in Him.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 109: The Wait Of Glory” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “God With Us – Week 1: Waiting on God” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “God With Us.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we start a new series, “God With Us.” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “God With Us – Week 1: Waiting on God” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “Unchanging God – Week 4: “Good God”” from Chad Boak

A message from the series “Unchanging God.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we conclude our “Unchanging God” series. If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Unchanging God – Week 4: “Good God”” from Chad Boak Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 108: Faithful, No Matter What” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” What does it mean to be faithful? Usually when we think of the word “Faithful,” we think of wedding vows or a geyser out west. Being faithful means you can be depended on, trusted. But can we honestly say that we are faithful 100% of the time? Truth is, we all fail at times. So can we ever really find anything or anyone that is always faithful, no matter what?
Scripture says that God is faithful. In our Unchanging God series, we know that it means that God is ALWAYS faithful. He is dependable, solid, never-failing, always true to what He says He will do. So what are the implications of that for our lives? Join Pastors Jim and Chad for a conversation on the faithfulness of God and what that means for us as our Unchanging God series continues.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 108: Faithful, No Matter What” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »