A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” What is your favorite Christmas song? All of us have one. Maybe it’s Oh Holy Night, or Joy to the World. For some, it doesn’t get any better than when Bing Crosby sings White Christmas. Or maybe you are like Pastor Jim and Pastor Chad and Little Drummer Boy feels like it is about you!
One of the most well known songs that is sung every year around Christmas is “Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel.” That name, “Emmanuel,” literally means “God With Us.” It also means that Christmas is a reminder that God put on flesh, stepped out of Heaven and into our dark and dying world, and became one of us. It’s a thought that almost seems too big to be true, and yet it is.
So what does the incarnation of God in human form mean for us? Obviously, that was part of the plan in order that humanity could be redeemed from sin and death, but are there implications beyond just salvation? Join Pastors Jim and Chad for a conversation on the incarnation of Jesus and what Almighty God putting on flesh in the form of a baby in Bethlehem means for us today.