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Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 104: The “D” Word” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Divorce. It’s not something we talk about often in church. And yet, studies show that almost everyone has been impacted by divorce in some way. Maybe you have been through a divorce. Maybe you know someone who has. Maybe they were even super close to you and that divorce caused a lasting impact on your life. Regardless of to what level it has affected you, divorce is constantly around us and the statistics aren’t getting any better on it. So what do we do? Ignore the topic and hope it goes away? Or face it head on and learn what Scripture has to say about it?
The truth is that no matter what your experience with or around divorce may be, there is hope and a future for those who are in Christ. Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on divorce, what the Bible has to say on this topic, and how to guard our marriages against the attacks of the enemy.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 104: The “D” Word” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 4: “What About the ‘D’ Word?”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 4: “What About the ‘D’ Word?”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 103: All About Mrs Right” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Husbands, we examined your role closely last week, so this week on The Other Six Podcast it is all about Mrs Right! The role of the wife in marriage can be confusing or misunderstood. We hear words like “submit” and “leadership” in the marriage relationship, but what does that mean? Does the husband have carte blanche to make his wife do whatever he wants? What does it mean for a wife to follow her husband’s leadership? What about when he is not leading well, what is a wife to do then? These questions aren’t just an intellectual or theological exercise, they have real life implications for our lives and marriage relationships. So what does the Bible have to say?
The good news is that Scripture is clear on these topics. Join Pastors Jim and Chad with special guest, Lindsay Layton, for a conversation on Mrs Right and her role in marriage as our “Oops! Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” series continues.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 103: All About Mrs Right” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 3: “Who’s Mrs. Right?”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 3: “Who’s Mrs. Right?”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 102: Mr Right, Not Mr Wrong” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” We have all seen the stereotypes: the bumbling husband in a marriage that can never do anything right, always making a mistake or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. The other side of that coin is the domineering husband, who always seems to be harsh or unloving in his relationship with his wife. Just watch any sitcom or tv show and typically in less than 5 minutes you will see examples of these stereotypes play out. But is that reality? Is that how it should be?
The truth is, God has called men in marriage to be an example of He loves the church. So how do we do that? How can we live up to being Mr Right in our marriage relationships? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on what a biblical Mr Right looks like and how husbands and wives can better live out the thriving marriages that the Lord desires for us.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 102: Mr Right, Not Mr Wrong” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 2: Who’s Mr. Right?” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 2: Who’s Mr. Right?” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 101: Marriage, Is What Brings Us Together, Today…” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Marriage. When we think of the word, most of us think of white dresses, cake, and wedding bells. We think of happily ever afters, romantic comedies, and undying passion. But is that what marriage really is? What happens when the shine of the wedding day fades and we are left with the reality of two people trying to live together and start a family, all the while dealing with incompatibilities and the difficulties of life? What do you do when you feel like maybe, just maybe, your marriage is heading in the wrong direction?
The truth is that everyone who has ever been married throughout history has been there. Marriage is tough. The good news is that God’s Word has a lot to say about our marriages and how we can thrive in them. Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on marriage as we kick off a new message series designed to help us see our marriages through the lens of God’s design and find true purpose in joy in our relationship with our spouse.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode 101: Marriage, Is What Brings Us Together, Today…” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 1: “What’s Marriage For?”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we start a new series “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Oops: Did I Marry the Wrong Person? – Week 1: “What’s Marriage For?”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #100: Creatures of Habit” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Welcome to the 100th episode of the Other Six Podcast! Thank you to everyone who has tuned in along the way to make this incredible milestone possible.
Here is a question: have you ever had a bad habit in your life that you have tried to break? Most of us have. Maybe it was to stop drinking too much caffeine. Maybe you weren’t going to bed on time and always woke up tired in the morning. Or maybe it was something even more difficult. Bad habits can be tough to get rid of, but what about developing good habits in your life? That can often be just as challenging. Perhaps you are tying to get into a good exercise and diet routine, or maybe you are trying to find more time to spend with your family each day. Whatever it is, good habits take time to develop.
What about the habit of reading God’s Word? Many of us want to spend time with the Lord each day, but so much of the time our Bible reading is the first thing to go when life gets busy. So how do we develop the good habit of engaging with Scripture on a daily basis? Join pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on understanding the Bible and some practical ways to implement the habitual reading of God’s Word into our lives every day.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #100: Creatures of Habit” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible? – Week 4: One Habit to Rule All Habits” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Why Bother With the Bible?.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we finish our “Why Bother With the Bible?” series. If you have any questions, or if you want to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible? – Week 4: One Habit to Rule All Habits” from Jim Botts Read More »