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Message: “The One Anothers – Week 5: “Praying for One Another”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 5: “Praying for One Another”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #93: Embracing Acceptance” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” At some point in everyone’s life, we have all struggled with being accepted or rejected. Maybe in elementary school you were picked last for dodgeball. Maybe in middle school you were made fun of. Maybe in high school you were left out of the group. Maybe as an adult you were pushed aside or dismissed as not important enough to consider. The truth is, no matter who you are or where you are from, rejection has at some point come to call on you. In God’s family, however, we are called to accept one another. Even so, people have still experienced a lack of acceptance from those in the church. That can be especially painful. Then there is the world around us. Our culture is constantly screaming “accept me the way I am!“, so is that what we are supposed to do? Blind acceptance no matter what? But how can we accept those who are living a lifestyle contrary to what the Bible says? The Bible makes it clear that acceptance is so important, but how do we practically and faithfully live out a one another lifestyle of accepting like Scripture calls us to in the world today? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on what Biblical acceptance looks like, where to draw the line when it comes to sin, and how God expects His children to accept one another in His family.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #93: Embracing Acceptance” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 4: Accepting One Another ” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 4: Accepting One Another ” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #92: I Got Your Back” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” There is really nothing that everyone in the entire world can agree on, but the closest statement that might find universal acceptance is that life is tough. Did we hear an “amen” there through the screen? The burdens of life can be so difficult to deal with. Truthfully, for many, it seems like those burdens get tougher every day. We carry so many burdens in our lives like our finances, relationships, job concerns, marriage, health…the list goes on and on. But are these things meant to be burdens? And are we meant to carry them alone? Or does God have a better plan for us to help us when we face the burdens of this life? The truth is that God has given us His family as a way for us to bear one another’s burdens and to help each other in our times of need. But how do we access that? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on the burdens of this life and how God has designed us to be in relationship with one another to help ease the weights of life that so many of us carry.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #92: I Got Your Back” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 3: “Bearing One Another’s Burdens” ” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 3: “Bearing One Another’s Burdens” ” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #91: Crazy Little Thing Called Love” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” When it comes to the concept of love, there is no shortage of stories, songs, poems, movies, books, and more throughout all of human history that attempt to convey what it truly means to love someone. Even so, love, for some people, can be difficult to define. We know it when we experience it. We also know what it means to be unloved, to feel like we are isolated or alone or even hurt by those that we expected to feel love from. In Scripture, Jesus says that the world will know that we are followers of Him by the way that we love. Jesus is the perfect picture of true love, and we are called to be imitators of Him. So how do we do that? How do we, as imperfect people, love other imperfect people perfectly like Jesus did? Is that even possible? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on how to love like Jesus and how we are called to love one another in the family of God.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #91: Crazy Little Thing Called Love” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 2: “Loving One Another”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 2: “Loving One Another”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #90: Family Talk” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Families. We all have them. Most of the time we are grateful for our families, for the love and support they provide in the good times and the bad. There are times, however, where it can be tough to be around family. Family comes in all shapes and sizes as well. What may seem normal in one household can seem absolutely odd to a visitor from another family. There are traditional families, blended families, blood-relations, the family that you choose…the list goes on and on.
In God’s family, we see much the same thing. God has designed us to be in relationship with one another, so it is important for us to learn how to survive and thrive in the family of God. But what does that look like practically? What about when God’s family seems or feels tough to be in? What about when we look around, and realize we NEED each other in this life? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on how to live with one another in God’s family, some challenges that we all face in doing so, and experience the blessings that come along with being a part of the family of God.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #90: Family Talk” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 1: “It’s All in God’s Family”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we begin our new message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 1: “It’s All in God’s Family”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “In Christ – Week 7: Preparation in Christ” from Chad Boak

A message from the series “In Christ: A Study In Ephesians.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we end our series studying Ephesians: “In Christ”. If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “In Christ – Week 7: Preparation in Christ” from Chad Boak Read More »