This past Sunday we had another amazing day and God did some incredible things in the lives of people. We got news that two more people indicated starting a relationship with Jesus and many other life changing decisions were made.
The Gathering time was built around the challenge of getting rid of anger and bitterness in our lives. My prayer for myself and each of you is that we would ask God to search us and reveal to us places where repentance needs to take place in our lives, so that we can move Forward with Him. So many people have been hurt by parents, friends, co-workers, and even the church; and now, they are living their lives from hurt and being dominated by bitterness and anger. Don’t you know, bitterness and anger only hurts the person carrying it and the work of God in and through them becomes non-existent. God reminds us in Ephesians 4:29-32 to get it out and give back to others what God has given to you through Christ!
We believe that God is doing some special things among us in these early days and our temptation would be to revert back to what we are comfortable with or what we prefer instead of staying focused and committed to our purpose. If there is one thing I have learned in serving as a Pastor and Church Planter, it is that churches who choose comfort and preference over the heart of God to reach those far from God always die and decline. It is our choice to choose to align with God and His mission or to choose our personal agenda or preferences. We must be willing to choose His purpose to seek and save those who don’t know Him which calls for risk, sacrifice, and commitment to Him and His mission.
I want to say thank you to all whom I have had the privilege to spend time with so far; because, I can see that you are a people committed to choosing the purpose of Christ over your preferences. See you Sunday!
Pastor Eric