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Stepping Out on Faith

It’s with great personal pride that in this post today that I get to share my Mom, Judy Harris’s story of how God asked her to step out on faith. I definitely know her story better than most, which actually makes it tougher to tell because there is so much I know that I want to tell.

Judy knew what she wanted to be when she was younger and worked hard to become a nurse. My dad, Bob Harris, and her worked to get each other through college. I remember going down to Troy State Montgomery with my mom to meet with a professor when I was very young. I remember when she officially became an RN and received her pin after graduation over 30 years ago.

Judy Harris (center) assisting a patient and doctor.
Judy Harris (center) assisting a patient and doctor.

She has worked ever since in the medical field, primarily with an OB/GYN practice here in Montgomery for the majority of her career. She was their first nurse when two young doctors moved to Montgomery to open a new practice. Since then, she has seen the practice explode in growth.

While in Ukraine she spent her days checking blood pressures, administering glucose checks and more…being a nurse on a mission. At night, as I wrote articles and edited videos about each days happenings, she was my proof reader staying up much later than anyone else. To say she was invaluable to our team would be an understatement and I will admit I am very biased!

She faced extraordinary circumstances that had to be overcome when responding to God’s call for her to go on the mission field. Circumstances that I wouldn’t wish on anyone which have only added to the glorification of God when you see how He put things together.

I grabbed a few of her moments while in Ukraine so that she could share that story with you herself: