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Were You Here Sunday?

There is so much to be excited about at Vaughn Forest Church these days! Each week, we are seeing new families join us in the Forest, many people making decisions to follow Christ, huge growth in our Student and Kids Ministries, folks getting plugged into Life Groups, and incredible times of worship at our weekend gatherings. This past Sunday was one of the most dynamic times of worship that I have ever been a part of (check it out here if you missed it!) The growth and excitement is undeniable and we are praying for more!

With that growth in mind, remember that we are asking all Vaughn Forest members and families to do two things for us:

  1. Please park in the East Parking Lot (the one to the left of the property when you turn in from Vaughn Road) or in the back parking lot behind the church to help make more room for guests and new families that might have preschoolers. These folks are our guests and we want to be the best hosts we can be, and that starts in the parking lot.
  2. Please move where you sit in the worship service to the East side of the auditorium (the one opposite the baptistry). We are noticing the West side is getting really full and we want to slide over to make more room for all of our guests.

Would you be willing to help us with these two things? I know they may infringe on our preference a little bit, but I think if we can make these small sacrifices it will go a long way towards being great hosts to all of our guests. Thank you in advance!

One of the most important events happening currently is all of our Life Groups are kicking off this week! There is still time to get plugged into a Life Group. Simply click the link below in the Shout Outs and find a group that is right for you.

Additionally, remember that this Wednesday night kicks off our 2nd Semester of Wednesday Night Life Groups and Spiritual Life Studies here in the Forest. I am so pumped for this! Life is best done in communities and together we connect, grow, serve, and share better than we do alone. Important note on this Wednesday: for the safety and security of our Kids and Students, all doors to the building will be locked with the exception of the West Breezeway doors (the doors most folks come in on Sundays.) Please park in the West Parking Lot (on the right side of the church if your back is to Vaughn Road and you are facing the front of the church) and enter through the doors there.

God is moving! Thank you for living on mission and living sent for Christ. As always, it is a joy to be your pastor.