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Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #98: The Reliable Bible” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” When you think about it, the entirety of what Christians believe is based on what is written in the Bible. It’s our ultimate authority, our ultimate truth, and our ultimate message from the Lord. Whenever we gage if something is trustworthy or not, it’s Scripture that we appeal to in order to determine if something is from God or not. But is it trustworthy? Do the copies of the Bible that we read today remain true to what was originally written? How can we even know the answer to that question? If the Bible is a collection of books written over 1500 years by so many different authors that we don’t even have the original copies of, how can we truly trust it? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on the reliability of the Bible, how we can have faith that it is truly the Word of God, and the overwhelming evidence of the miracle of Scripture.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #98: The Reliable Bible” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible – Week 2: Benefitting From the Bible” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “Why Bother With the Bible?.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our series “Why Bother With the Bible” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible – Week 2: Benefitting From the Bible” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #97: Divinely Inspired” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” As we begin our journey into the Bible, the first question that we must stop and ask is “how can we know that this is the Word of God?” It’s a great question. To say that God speaks to us and does so through this book known as the Bible is a pretty audacious claim, so is it true? As Christians, we say we believe every word of Scripture is given to us by God, but what does that really mean? And how did it happen? Was there a heavenly tape recorder or did God just tell the authors of Scripture to “jot this down real quick”? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on divine inspiration in the writing of God’s message to all of mankind in the form of the Bible.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #97: Divinely Inspired” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible? – Week 1” from Chad Boak

A message from the series “Why Bother With the Bible?.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we begin our new series called “Why Bother With the Bible” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “Why Bother With the Bible? – Week 1” from Chad Boak Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #96: The No-No One Anothers” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” For the past six weeks, we have been on a journey together of looking at how we are to interact with one another in God’s family. We have talked about loving one another, honoring one another, praying for one another, and more. These “one another” actions are the things in God’s family that we are expected to do, the way we invest in one another. But what about the things we are not supposed to do? Think about your own family. Your family probably has rules and expectations, and some of those include negative actions that you are not to do. In the same way, in God’s family, there are things we are not to do in order to protect the family of God from the enemy. So what are those things? What are the negative “one anothers” that protect? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a discussion on the No-No’s of God’s family as our One Anothers message series wraps up but the One Another Life continues on.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #96: The No-No One Anothers” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 7: “Protecting One Another”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we wrap up our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 7: “Protecting One Another”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #95: Family Honor” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” Honor is an interesting concept when you think about it. We have heard since we were little that we are to “honor your father and mother.” The word honor also brings to mind a courtroom with a judge and someone saying “yes, your honor.” But what does that word really mean? Is it just showing them respect? Or maybe holding them in high esteem? What does it truly look like to honor someone? And what about the folks who are difficult to honor? How are we supposed to treat them?
The Bible makes it clear: honor is a big deal to God. So if we are to live a life that shows honor to people, what does God’s Word say about how we are to carry that out? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on what honor is, how to honor those who seem unhonorable, and some practical ways to show honor to those around you as we continue to live out the One Another life.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #95: Family Honor” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 6: “Honoring One Another”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 6: “Honoring One Another”” from Jim Botts Read More »

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #94: Living on a Prayer” from The Other Six Podcast

A message from the series “The Other Six Podcast.” The importance of prayer in the life of the believer cannot be overstated. Again and again in the Bible we see accounts of people praying to the Lord and seeing amazing things happen. Through prayer, armies are defeated, the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead are brought back to life. Prayer is quite literally the way we talk to God and one of the ways that God speaks to us. In God’s family, we are commanded to pray for one another, with all kinds of requests and on all kinds of occasions. But what about when we pray and we don’t see results? What about praying in the tough times when we just don’t feel like it? How can we lean on the power of prayer when God feels far away? And how can we open up to others about what is going on in our lives when it could be embarrassing or shameful? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on the importance of prayer and how we can utilize prayer in God’s family as we live out the One Another life that the Lord has called us to.

Message: “The Other Six Podcast Episode #94: Living on a Prayer” from The Other Six Podcast Read More »

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 5: “Praying for One Another”” from Jim Botts

A message from the series “The One Anothers.” Welcome to Vaughn Forest Church Online! Thank you for joining us today as we continue our message series “The One Anothers.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to connect with us, please fill out our digital Connection Card by going to this link:

Message: “The One Anothers – Week 5: “Praying for One Another”” from Jim Botts Read More »